Foreword from Head IFC

The IFC plays a key role in ensuring safe and secure seas through timely and comprehensive information sharing with our partners. Over the years, we have broadened our range of partnerships to include military and enforcement agencies as well as shipping companies. This has proven useful on numerous occasions when rendering assistance to ships in distress within our AOI.

The heart and driving force of the IFC are the ILOs who play a crucial role in providing domain expertise, knowledge of local waters and seamless communications with various OPCENs. Additionally, to remain current and valuable to the industry, the IFC continues to update, enhance, and streamline our systems and processes by improving our relationships with our partners through events such as our Regional Maritime Practitioner Programme (RMPP), Maritime Security Info-sharing Exercise (MARISX) and Shared Awareness Meeting (SAM).

It is the continued cooperation and collaboration with all our partners that has enabled the IFC to consistently safeguard the transition of shippers through our waters.

LTC Lester Yong
Head IFC

About IFC

Established on 27th April 2009, the Information Fusion Centre (IFC) is a regional Maritime Security (MARSEC) centre situated at the Changi Command and Control Centre (CC2C) and hosted by the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN).

The IFC aims to facilitate information-sharing and collaboration between its partners to enhance MARSEC. Over the last decade, the IFC has been at the forefront of providing actionable information to cue responses by regional and international navies, coast guards and other maritime agencies to deal with the full range of MARSEC threats and incidents. This includes piracy, sea robbery, maritime terrorism, contraband smuggling, illegal fishing and irregular human migration.

Our Mission

The IFC is to collect and sense-make relevant White Shipping and maritime information in its Area of Interest, in order to produce accurate, reliable, impartial and actionable MARSEC information for related OPCENs and the shipping community, to achieve Safe and Secure Seas for All.

Our Vision

To be the centre of excellence for fusion and exchange of actionable maritime security information in the IFC's Area of Interest

Our Journey



IFC chairs Singapore Shipping Association's Maritime Safety and Security subcommittee for the 1st time



IFC co-organised the first IFC MARSEC Webinars with S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies



Appointment of Mr Michael Phoon, Executive Director of Singapore Shipping Association, as the first IFC Shipping Industry Advisor



The first IFC-Singapore Shipping Association (SSA) co-organised Shared Awareness Meeting



The IFC celebrated its 10th Anniversary with the launch of the IFC Real-time Info-sharing System (IRIS) by then-Senior Minister of State for Defence Dr Maliki Bin Osman. The event was held at the Changi Command and Control Centre, and was attended by navy chiefs, vice navy chiefs, coast guard directors-general and representatives from more than 40 nations.



Launch of "Regional Guide To Counter Piracy And Armed Robbery Against Ships In Asia" which IFC had co-published with ReCAAP Information Sharing Centre and the shipping industry.



Launch of "Guide for Tankers Operating in Asia against Piracy and Armed Robbery Involving Oil Cargo Theft" which IFC had co-published with ReCAAP Information Sharing Centre



IFC partnered with United Kingdom Hydrographic Office and ReCAAP Information Sharing Centre to develop MARSEC charts Q6112 and Q6113.



Launch of "Tug Boats and Barges (TaB) Guide" which IFC had co-published with ReCAAP Information Sharing Centre



IFC co-organised the inaugural Regional MARSEC Practitioner Programme with the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies



The IFC Voluntary Community Reporting was established



IFC conducted the inaugural Maritime Information Sharing Exercise, which involved 44 participants from 18 countries



The Information Fusion Centre was inaugurated on 27th April 2009 by then-Chief of Navy RADM Chew Men Leong.